Third-Party Libraries

Third-Party Behaviors

Simulation behaviors developed by other users can be found on hIndex.

Third-Party Packages


hEngine can be used in conjunction with any third-party library or code via your normal package manager. Care should be taken to avoid weakening simulation reproducibility guarantees while using third-party packages.


hCore does not support importing third-party JavaScript packages or Rust crates, but does, however, provide limited support for a subset of Python libraries. We run Python3 in the browser through Pyodide and currently support all of the packages that Pyodide does.

The packages below have proven particularly popular with modelers using HASH:

NetworkX2.2Graphs and networks
pandas1.0.5Data transformation and analysis
scikit-learn0.20.1Machine Learning
NumPy1.15.4Base library for scientific computing in Python
SciPy0.17.1Optimization, linear algebra, and statistics
uncertainties3.1.2Numbers with uncertainties


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